There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line!
This web site is to help the Sangre de Cristo Cowboy Church keep people informed about all the activities that we have scheduled. We want to invite everyone to come and be part of our Church Family, so that we, as Christians, can Worship our Father together. We love doing all of these activities, to ultimately share and experience the Love of Christ Jesus. It is our goal to help everyone follow in the Light and to come and know Jesus personally. We are a non-denominational community church here in the beautiful Wet Mountain Valley area of Westcliffe, Colorado.
We believe that we are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be a witness to those who are not saved, and to help nurture and grow in Christ those who are saved. It is through true belief in Jesus Christ and His blood, shed at the cross and then His resurrection, knowing we are sinners and asking for salvation that we are saved. This is our main focus and theme in our Sunday Bible classes, church services, Bible studies, and other functions so we may be a ministry outreach.
Our mission is to build up and encourage believers. To edify and support each other and to live a life that is a reflection of Jesus Christ so that we can all experience the irresistible love of our Lord and Savior.
11:00 AM
Please join us for communion and a pot-luck lunch on the last Sunday of each month
Children's Classes: Pre-K to 12th grade
Every Sunday at 10:00 AM
Adults Classes - the 2nd and 4th Sunday
10:00 AM
Ladies Bible Study in the Christian Education Building.
Men's Bible Study in the Fort.
Both classes meet on the 1st and 3rd
Sunday of the month at 10:00 AM
Your generous donation will enable us to continue to fund our mission to spread God's word during these uncertain times. Thank you from Sangre de Cristo Cowboy Church.
For donations by check,
PO BOX 233
To use your credit or debit card or PayPal account, Use the DONATE NOW button below. (We are charged a small fee through PayPal.)
Please join us every Sunday before church at 10:00 AM in the Christian Education Building.
Come sit in with the ladies every other Sunday for a ladies' Bible study. Classes are on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in the Christ...
The men are meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in the fort (building just north of the church).
We invite your children, grades Pre-K to 12th grade, to Sunday School Classes every Sunday at 10:00 AM. Pre-K - 2nd graders meet in the ch...
Everyone is invited to come worship with us and enjoy our fellowship. Please join us for communion and a pot-luck lunch on the last Sunday of each month